Simple Ingredients: Our products are gluten, egg, and dairy free. We are also vegetarian and vegan friendly.
Order Today >>Roasting nuts is a family business. Our family has locations in Grand Forks, Fargo, and Bismarck.
Bismarck Event Center >>Exceptionally Nuts has been in business since 2004 and currently operates at a wide variety of events at the Bismarck Event Center. For upcoming events at the Event Center we will be attending visit
Roasting nuts is a family business. We are all a little nuts!
Bavarian Almonds from Exceptionally Nuts are an ideal fundraiser for athletic clubs, service organizations, or youth-groups. Bavarian Almonds sell themselves at athletic concessions, concerts, plays or door to door sales.
Roasting nuts is a family business that we have been a part of since 1999. Our family has locations in Grand Forks, Fargo, and Bismarck.